
Stories can change the world. Children can change the world.

Tale2Tail has created FREE education packs for primary school children. Our mission is to educate children to end the demand for the illegal wildlife trade and to inspire them with the wonder of the wild world. One elephant is killed every 15 minutes, with approximately 35,000 killed a year. Rhinos are also critically endangered, with poachers killing rhinos for their horns.  The time to act is now. Once children understand the importance of animal conservation and environmental protection, they will be the generation that can   ensure the survival of wildlife. We’ve worked with some amazing creative minds - authors, illustrators and photographers- to put together full educational resources for teachers and these resource packs will be in a variety of languages for teachers to implement all over the world.

Tale2Tail believes that endangered species will only survive if we can educate to end the demand for illegal wildlife trade products, in a single generation. Our online audience engages countries from around the world, with content that educates every day. Distribution of our education packs to worldwide schools via The British Council, and views of our education videos and digital content exceed hundreds of thousands.  With your support, Tale2Tail will produce and distribute more educational content worldwide, to end demand in a generation.